I was thinking of a young lady whom I'm fascinated with the other day (as is a course assured to happen). Inadvertently I began to compare her to other women I have had crushes on. That's when I realized I have something I never thought I would. I have a "type"! In the past I have always thought it foolish when guys talk about what type of girl they like. Maybe I was just around the wrong guys or it came with time however I see a point now to that. A type does not have to do with body types or superficial things. It can also deal with the patterns that you find in your life and those you gain an interest in. For instance if most of the women I find myself interested in have younger siblings. In many of those I know, this seems to contribute to a level of maturity and care. The personality traits go on and on but I am cognizant that knowing what traits attract you and why is healthy to know. If you don't know what really attracted you to a person or why it can lead you into negative relationships without a clue why.
That leads to another problem for me however. I do not know the why. Personally I think I just pick well. I guess that's something else I will end up learning through time.