Tuesday, May 27, 2008


The word widower seems strange. I have to check the word's history and see who or what group decided to use that form. When compared to widow it seems "widower" should refer to the person who died.
Was there was really no other way to do a male version of widow? How about widaw or ido?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

TV programs have an interesting place in our everyday lives. I read more books than I watch television but things on television are easier to talk to people about.
With books you can have people get totally different ideas from the same book. You also have people's different reading speeds.

Some tv shows you didn't realize stuck with you come to mind. The other day I was thinking of a show I liked,The Secret World of Alex Mack which went off the air about 10 years ago.

先日、好きな番組について思った。思い出した番組「The Secret World of Alex Mack」(日本でおまかせアレックス)が10年まえに放送やめた。

もう1つ番組、Pushing Daisiesはシナリオライターのストライキから10回しか放送していない
幸運にも今週、次月にPushing Daisiesの放送は続けることがあると分かった。

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I was looking at my previous entry with the Oreskaband and decided that from now on I will try to write my entries in English and Japanese. So maybe I'll copy my translation of what I wrote into my lang-8 journal to help check it afterward