Sunday, February 22, 2009


The only problem with great comic books and manga is that you can miss the end. Because they are not published as widely as books it seems easy to miss your place and eventually not read the end.
Recently I started looking at an old series I had. I can't believe it but it seems I will not find the last issue of a great comic book. I have wondered how a certain comic book (Mage 2/ Mage: a Hero Defined) ended for years.Worst is I had this belief about the book before when I missed the last of the first series. I never got to read all of the first series Mage: a Hero Discovered but years later found the second series so found out what happened and found the story better than ever. Lately (well today)I visited a fan site for the comic which listed what happened in each book and it seems like it really ended just like that with --Kirby-insert ending here those who have read it-and Kevin's bat-- so I wasn't the only one left hanging. Then I realized they had not added all the books and unluckily for me happened to end on the same book I already have.
I guess that is a life lesson-make sure you keep up on reading every great comic you find or else it will haunt you for years.

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