Sunday, March 6, 2011


The American news has embarrassed me again. How in the world can we keep complaining about and worrying about how the uprising in Libya is increasing the price of gas? It may be a pain and a financial burden but the people in Libya are facing danger everyday. Danger to their lives not to their pocketbooks.

Interesting note-A few years ago I actually liked Gaddafi. Yes, he was eccentric and was a dictator but being eccentric equals looking outside the box and let's face it, a dictatorship is the most efficient way to get things done when running a country.
(A dictatorship is not the most civil or best in the long term but at least you don't have bills wait around for years the way we do in U.S. politics.) The man had his own style with the safari suits and sunglasses and was against Imperialism. He has shown himself to be off his rocker however with ordering the murders of his own people.

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