Tuesday, June 28, 2011

This Dodger's Situtation

The Dodger's issues illustrate the faulty part of the American Dream. Often a person's path to success is not determined by how hard they work or how smart they are but society's values. While Mr.McCourt is able to go to bankruptcy court which gives him protection and use of a $150 million loan in order to save his ownership I know that those who are not even paid much at the dodger's stadium have their paychecks bounce.

I actually was not paying attention to the dispute over the Dodgers until recently when a couple of "ministers" and "community leaders" decided to have a pointless press-conference in order to pledge their support to McCourt. I even admit that my disgust of their decision to focus on this instead of real problems that affect their congregations and neighborhoods may cloud my thoughts of McCourt. I felt sorry for him at first when I heard of the divorce however this recent development of him gaining a chance to keep his ownership of the team as those working under him can't even get their paychecks strikes me as wrong. Once again it seems those with money get helped even when they fail while those without. Maybe I'm wrong, let me know your viewpoint if you think so.

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