Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Writer's Strike

From the day the news showed Jimmy Kimmel giving food out to the strikers all I've wanted was to join them ask 'when's lunch?' and when it comes grab all I could and run off. Obviously since there have been no news reports of me it's gone off with out anyone noticing. NO I haven't done it but I keep thinking of doing it. Especially Veteran's day when they had their kids. I thought "a day they have kids is sure to be a big lunch day".

From the News coverage of the strike I would think the news is taking the striker's side however most of the times they show them they make me against the writers. Mostly it's the amount of times they show it. This is a problem I've always had with the news they get stuck on one story and keep going to it. Some of the people they talk to are just annoying too. The only non-annoying one I can think of was Jimmy Kimmel and he was avoiding the cameras at the time (and he had food). It also reminded me of how many shows on now that I did not like. When you have to keep naming 3 or 4 shows that you would miss if the writers were gone then that shows there just aren't that many good shows. I do hope the strike gets resolved even if it just so it won't be on the news anymore.

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