Saturday, August 30, 2008

Online Radio Shows

I used to love radio shows. I would listen to the Adventures in Odyssey radio shows and later recordings of old radio shows like the Jack Benny Program,Gunsmoke,Bostan Blackie,The Twilight Zone, orSuspense. Actually I guess I still listen to old-time radio shows when I can find them at the places like the library.

However it's been a while since I listened to any. I had read a part of Romance of three Three Kingdoms earlier the other day and thinking about it my mind switched to thinking about Water Margin,since I've never read Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh and only read about parts of the story and characters. I did a search for the Water Margin story and the game Suikoden and found out about Konami Station ( They apparently have a GenoSuikoden 「幻想水滸伝」 radio drama based on the RPG game.

By the way if anyone hears of a good translation of the Water Margin book please tell me about it.

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