Sunday, June 13, 2010

World Cup-Week 1 wrap up

I haven't been able to watch the whole games but I've seen at least part of all the games. One may have been duller than the knives fans used to end their misery but most have been good. The most interesting game so far has been today's Germany v. Australia. Germany had amazing precision and planning while Australia had lost of thuggery and unabashed cheating. All in all, it created a nice show with a 4-0 finish! The USA - England game, on the other hand, was a bit of an embarrassment since we can't really brag about Green's fumble. Speaking of which, I feel for the guy you know he'll never live that down. It's all part of what makes the game fun though. I just can't believe this time zone difference has games starting at 4:30 am. I better get some sleep for tomorrow.

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