Wednesday, July 7, 2010

七夕 / I'm in love

It's 7/7 today, otherwise known as Tanabata. This "7th night" holiday is celebrated in Japan and several other countries in Asia. It's essentially connected to the movement of the stars and a romance story that I'll write a quick overview of here:
Basically a lowly cow-herder and an celestial princess meet and fall in love. As seems apt to happen with young lovers they neglected their duties once they found themselves enthralled with each other. The princess happened to also be the weaver of heaven's clothes and gods are apparently neither fans of wearing old clothes, nor of cows running around heaven. The lovers were punished, sent to opposite ends of heaven and allowed to meet each other once a year. I think there is a great lesson in fatherly love here that demands his daughter to work 364 days and then get a one day break to meet your love but the story is actually about the lovers.
So why am I mentioning this holiday? Simply because I have found myself loving someone too recently. Now I don't use the word loosely. Of all the women I liked I haven't told any of them "I love you", this including those women I believe I may have actually "loved". The word is too powerful to just throw around, so I have only said it to family members. However I will gladly tell the world about my new love, in fact I can't stop talking about her!
She's the brightest light in this dark world. With those curious eyes that seem to say they have seen so much yet want to see even more, she' the absolute cutest baby ever. I don't even find most babies cute but she is. Definitely. The best foster baby cousin a guy can have!
Okay, so yes, technically she's family. But still... she's a darling, and I only met her on the 4th of July so... I'm not the only one who has become entranced by her either. Wait! speaking of which what happened to her little brother? I think we all neglected him as we vied for her attention. Guess he'll have to work on his cute factor or something.

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