Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years!

It'll be 2011 soon. Hurray! 万歳!
Okay, In truth I don't celebrate most holidays. That includes New Years. Too many people celebrate reaching another year after they did nothing with the current one. It's really only an accomplishment if you have made some type of progress. For me each New Year just means I'm going to have to spend about two months scribbling out or erasing the date I wrote down because it always takes me a while to switch my habit of using the old year for the new one. 2000 was the worst- you had to get rid of not 1 but all 4 numbers.

However there is another side of New Years for me. The New Years period is the time I take to check up on friends and tell them how I'm doing. I've been one of those friends who kind of forgets you once you're not in my daily or weekly life so I started a tradition a few years ago as a step in the direction of changing that. Problem is I totally forgot last year so I am writing this entry in part to remind myself this year. I have in fact already started with 年賀状(nengajo)! (For those who don't know what nengajo are, think of them as a New Years greeting cards.) So I'm looking forward to the year and all that it brings. Enjoy the Holidays everyone!

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